These guys take one for the team and visit the Creation Museum; a place I can’t believe even exists. It’s just too lame to imagine.
Lucky for us, they took pictures.
This Saturday, I made my much anticipated field trip to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, a $27 million monstrosity devoted to religious fanaticism, disguised as “scienceâ€.
GReat. if we all doin a cruz. weez gotz a hot spot to cool down in AC and relieve before tearing trail @ godspeed. this place is a blessing to cyclist.
Yes. Amen. I agree with the reverered Sal.
Adam and Eve. Fuck Yeah!
Funny funny…
Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glenrose, southwest of Fort Worth is a GREAT place to ride, and they got Dino tracks, lots of em. Everyone takes the kids there. Right next to it some knuckle draggers with too much money built a “Creation Museum” there too, along the ‘Who ya gonna believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes” lines. I don’t know why the called it a Creation Museum.. a creation theame park might have made more sense. A gallop survey said most republicans dont believe in evolution anyway. The damn thing wasn’t there when i was a kid.
How did we get here.