It’s Drunkcyclist day! Today is the day that we make a point to go for a ride, sip a beverage (or 10) and celebrate life. Continue reading DRUNKCYCLIST DAY 2018!
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
It’s Drunkcyclist day! Today is the day that we make a point to go for a ride, sip a beverage (or 10) and celebrate life. Continue reading DRUNKCYCLIST DAY 2018!
I was sitting on the floor with my back up against the wall near my gate in the O’hare international terminal. I was on my Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: Talk Soon.
I have never been a big fan of physical contact with people outside my immediate family. If you come in for a handshake, I’ll probably give you a high 5 or preferably a knuckle pound. I am not a germophobe, I’m just not really into it. Continue reading Smash Hearts
I’m generally more comfortable playing tour guide as opposed to being on the tour. Friends come to visit, you hit the pubs, you ride the Continue reading The Dorset Gravel Dash
We were only traveling with small backpacks so we acquired some straps and some lengths of rope to tie heavy shit to our handlebars, then set out on our way. Is this bikepacking? Continue reading Cuba. #IsThisBikepacking?
Yeah that’s right, I said Kansas City. Having experienced this event a few years ago, I can confidently say those kids in the middle of the country know how to throw one hell of a bike party. Crazy good trails and a party that could kill a horse. Continue reading Singlespeed Kansas City
Before I had the privilege of writing on this yellow page, I was a big fan of DC. I loved Big Jonny’s snark, Gnome’s commentary, Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: Pistil Pete Abides
Singlespeed Worlds are heading back here to the good old US of A and we will be there. After a few years of trying, including Continue reading Singlespeed Worlds Cometh
When I wrote my last post I had no idea that I would find myself back in the sweltering heat of Kansas in July. But here I am. A buddy needed a hand with some things so I said fuck it, bought the ticket and took the ride. Continue reading Tuesday with Dirty: Expiration Dates
I put this up on my other site last week. It’s where things go that I think are a little too fuzzy for DC. But Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: Beer of the year
It’s another Memorial day. Three day weekends are fucking badass. If you are one of the less fortunate who have to work today, or you Continue reading Memorial Monday Motivation
Scandinavian Jesus made these stickers a while back that said “Shut up and party”. The pale messiah and I have been friends for a long time and I like to think that he understands my quirkiness better than most. I like that he made those stickers and handed them out by the hundreds. Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: Shut up and party.