Flavor in your ear #1

I never used to ride with headphones, instead opting for the sounds of nature, my freewheel, or listening for cars. But now that I live Continue reading Flavor in your ear #1
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
I never used to ride with headphones, instead opting for the sounds of nature, my freewheel, or listening for cars. But now that I live Continue reading Flavor in your ear #1
Trash middens and catholic swagger, which will last forever more, the plastic or the guilt? Enough lifetimes will never wander this far to see this Continue reading Reaching The Villages
Thursday. suddenly it is 9am PST and I’m at the airport sucking on the first bloody mary of the day to curb the previous evening’s Continue reading Let’s Party
Its been a while because I really haven’t had anything to say. I went for a walk the other day, down to the lake and Continue reading What the hell is going on around here…
dirty stopped by the house for a night on his way around the last tour of the east coast. as always, the doors are wide Continue reading struggle and strife
I started writing this as a comment on Dirty’s post over on facebook where he linked this article: The US government just awarded a $167 Continue reading We are all full of shit.
I have never been a big fan of physical contact with people outside my immediate family. If you come in for a handshake, I’ll probably give you a high 5 or preferably a knuckle pound. I am not a germophobe, I’m just not really into it. Continue reading Smash Hearts
We were only traveling with small backpacks so we acquired some straps and some lengths of rope to tie heavy shit to our handlebars, then set out on our way. Is this bikepacking? Continue reading Cuba. #IsThisBikepacking?
Yeah that’s right, I said Kansas City. Having experienced this event a few years ago, I can confidently say those kids in the middle of the country know how to throw one hell of a bike party. Crazy good trails and a party that could kill a horse. Continue reading Singlespeed Kansas City
Singlespeed Worlds are heading back here to the good old US of A and we will be there. After a few years of trying, including Continue reading Singlespeed Worlds Cometh
Interbike, the annual trade show pilgrimage to the desert where bike dorks from all over gather to party like it’s spring break and maybe do some business. For the 14th time, I was one of those bike dorks pointing it towards the giant patch of light pollution in the desert. Continue reading Alternative Interbike
Yes, I had the whole thing planned: Head down to West By God Virginia thursday morning with a bunch of beer, a couple bottles of Continue reading Dirt Rag DirtFest WV – Interview with Maurice