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From: Graphics Division Good to know, I'm sure some of the fine folks in Flagstaff might be glad to hear about that. Thank you. Click here for your gift. Saw a little something on T.V. tonight about the U.S. bases squad, Mercury. It sucked. I know it would be nice to have a couple of American teams mixing it up in the Tour de France. I know that. But, you know what? To gamble everything on the Tour is one fucking dumb ass idea. Does anyone with half a brain really think Mercury would have made any difference at all in the Tour? C'mon. They got nothing. Sure, they pile up the wins on this side of the pond. But it's a different planet over there. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Chris Horner and how, "he knows what it takes to win in Europe." Oh, yeah? Then why isn't he over there winning? The French fucked up this year. I think they showed a lot of balls not inviting certain teams, or more directly certain riders. The Tour without Super Mario is a fucking joke. They guy is always good for a couple of wins in the first week. You cannot exclude a favorite, and call it a representation of the worlds best cyclist. Same thing for Pantani. I waited all fucking year to see that freak eared little bastard blow Lance Armstrong and everyone else off his wheel in the high mountains. Everyone knows that guy is going to go big. Real big. And now it won't happen. I look to see him go completely bananas in about 24 hours in the Giro. It's like this: Pantani would not win. Not again, not with Ullrich and Armstrong healthy and able to put minutes into him in the time trails. But, the road to victory has to go through him. There isn't anyway around it. Whomever wins would have to deal with the very real threat of Pantani just disappearing up the road anytime he feels like it, pretty much. I'm going to miss that. And why? Because the French are making a statement, that's why. I don't know if it's right, or if it's wrong. Not yet. But, man it took balls. For those that don't know, the UCI keeps track of every pro cyclist, his victories, his placing. A win is worth points, and so is a top ten. I don't know how deep it goes, I think it depends on the race. But, every rider get points and every team is also ranked on the strength of it's riders: the total of their points. This team ranking is the real bitch. The Tour usually takes the top ten teams, and then a hand full of "wild card" selections to round it out. Not this year. Both Cipollini's and Pantani's team were in the top ten, and they ain't goin'. Bullshit, isn't it? Now Mercury, they were going for the wild card spot. And they had a strong spring campaign to help bolster their image. But, in the end, the Tour organizers opted to invite a bunch of domestic (to the French, anyway) teams. It's their race, I guess they can do what they want with it. But the problem really is that the entire system is put into question. In the big picture, some interesting points are brought up. For example, a rider with a strong UCI at the end of the season can ask for a raise, of shop his talent elsewhere and maybe some other team would pay more. And, not only does a higher ranked rider bring with him the promise of victories, his points raise the overall worth, or ranking of the team. Higher ranking = bigger races = more prize money. Part of what Mercury did this year is sign some foreign talent with some serious points and wah-la, Mercury is now first division, or top 22 world wide. Look at where it got them. Now a rider can say, "Look at my ranking. I climbed 47 places last year to 14th in the world. I'm mister big dick, I deserve more money". And the team can answer, "Why should we pay you any more than we do now? Your points, hell our points haven't done us any good all year. You want to leave, leave. You want more money? Win more races." So, the UCI will have to rectify the little French problem, won't they?
God Damm, I'm a pussy. Now my plan is to get up early and start fucking drivin'. Oh hell, it might work. I'll be very motivated as the forecast for tomorrow is nothing if not grim. Welcome to life in the worlds biggest convection oven. In other news relating to Flagstaff, Cannondale delivers 32 bikes to a private, noncommercial residence this week. Really. Interesting bike market up there. In Phoenix we have to compete with SuperGo, up there they have to do the same with any asshole with a mailing address and a two car carport. I can't figure out which sucks worse. There is a direct and totally shitty relationship between getting your website listed on a bunch of search engines and getting a fucking assload of bullshit e-mail. I think I may have to work on changing that. But, alas, it might just cut into my very valuably swilling time. From: Farnand Fuck, I just can't believe that's real. I have no idea how that could be faked, because my PhotoShop skills are fucking sloppy as shit. The thing about that pic that makes me think it's bullshit is that not one of those guys is even looking at the half naked chick that's supposedly right in front of them. C'mon, are you that jaded? Was there twenty completely naked women right up the street, and this girl is just no big deal after that? Is that the deal? Fucking right on Forbes. That son of a bitch worked me over nine ways till Tuesday so many times this winter he better be kickin' somebody's fucking ass at all these big deal races. I'd like to think I'm not the only person around that can't hold his wheel. OK, I can hold his wheel, like when I'm changing his flat tire. Or, maybe polishing his cassette. Big legged freak. Fucker. I really hate this shit sometimes. Now I have to archive the bulk of this page and upload three different pages, not just one to complete my update. Fuck man, it just sucks to be me sometimes. Why can't notepad hold more? Why God, why! If you haven't checked these guys out yet, you should. I called the link "Tahoe Heads" when I posted it originally because, well, I just didn't know what else to fucking call it and it gets the point across nicely. They're in Tahoe aren't they? And hey, any friend of Paul is a friend of mine.
From: Bosco Clontarf Don't know you, but also ride a single speed here in Phoenix. Rode
yesterday and fried my brain. I swear if one more person on an airplane
politely informs me how it is not so bad here because "We don't have
the humidity they have back in [fill in your supposedly nastier because
it is sweatier city here], I am going to drag them off the plane and
stake them down in the East Economy parking lot. I am just ready to
spend much more time in Flagstaff.
Some say the Gian-Matteo Fagnini is the greatest lead out men of all
time. Nah, I am attaching a picture
of my favorite lead out person. I'd follow her anywhere. It's copyrighted,
so post as you see fit. (Which I think means it will up on the site
Is this Julio Perez going to catch a break in the Giro? Breaks a chain,
crashes and breaks two teeth and then has his team leader lead a group
to chase him down in the stage today. Although in fairness, Caucchioli
won the stage with a great effort. I think Perez needs a mountain top
finish. Damned tough guy though.
Anyway, thanks for the site. Right on, Sam. And yes, a pic such as that gets posted immediately. That's just the way it is. If ya'll don't already know about it, this here link to the Outdoor Life Network has schedules of when their damn good coverage of the Giro will be televised in your area. I think I was about the last person on the fucking planet to find out about that. But, I could be wrong. I'm also working on getting a better message board thing set up. I can't fucking stand pop ups. And I think I'm probably not alone in that feeling. I'll let ya know when it's up and running. Hell, I might even look into getting a chat room set up too. Anyone think they'd use that? OK, just to show how long it takes my lazy fucking ass to post something new, I now have a new message board. And to think just last night it was only an idea in my pretty little head. I have to go back and change the link in four hundred thousand place now, so fuck, it could be next Thursday before this thing sees the light of day. Click here to see it. That, and for some stupid reason I stopped linked Diagn a while back. Dumb jonny, real dumb. Well, here he is again folks, have at 'em.
From: Dave Absolutely the slowest I have ever gone. So that was today. Tomorrow
I shall attack the cross country race and see what happens, although
I think the outcome should prove better for me as it's a better course
for the Power Gnome. However, I am a little bummed because the course
was redone according to the cries from the World-cup riders that suffer
from severe lack of creativity. Fucking androids! I shall let you know...
Oh, by the way, Scott Price won the race today and Ned Overend, that
guy that's supposed to be retired and getting fat finished 3rd.
I only wish I was there with ya, little fella. As it stands, I am sweating my balls off in Phoenix. Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy. I cannot wait till this coming weekend. I always seem to feel great the weekend before I race. My legs feel like they're going to explode up every hill. It's like they cannot fail me. Race day, on the other hand, is typically another story altogether. I generally explode like a churning, twisting, hurtling ball of death and destruction about twelve minutes into the race. I'm like Haley's Comet. Or, perhaps the Challenger disaster. Remember that mess? Look at Jonny go, he's picking up speed, my God he's fucking flying, and then... Boom. Flames, smoke, the stench of burning flesh and it's all over kids, nothing to see here folks. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. How I manage to place ahead of one single person is absolutely amazing to me. I felt like shit for almost the entire race last time, and I actually didn't finish last. Sure I was a good twenty odd minutes behind the winner, but I wasn't last. Amazing. I think I might need liposuction. Have ya'll checked out the prison name generator? I think that thing is fucking hilarious. My name is Baby Buns. If you ever saw me, you'd know that what I'm towing around behind me is about the size of Texas. Straight up.
I went up to the pine trees and slept out under the stars Wednesday this week. Dru, Casey and myself wanted to pre-ride a race course. Never did find the race course, but I pretty much rode myself into the fuckin' dirt anyway. It was outstanding. A big thanks to "Tex Tallous" for the multiple mugs (fucking buckets, really) of kick ass black lovin'. That's coffee to you regular fellas. I found out that coffee does three things: it makes you sweat, shit, and feel like you are going to heave when you climb. But I always feel like I'm going to heave when I climb. Sometimes, when I'm really lucky, I get to puke all over the place. Grand times, I tell ya. I can't seem to find the Caseman Slugster tonight. Son of a bitch, why aren't you tied to a computer like I am? Then I could find your stupid ass and I could go back to Flagstaff. All my gear is in a big pile in the middle of my living room where I left it on Thursday. And it's high time to throw that shit back in the car and bet the hell outta Dodge.
From: Stan I like your taste Stan, good lookin' out. Keep up the good work. I've added that and a few more to my hotties on bikes gallery. I am a great golden God.
Maybe I should do that. Wouldn't that be grand? I could jerk my chicken to porn all week, and then upload the good stuff all at once and be done with it. Most days I can't even figure out what this website is about. Bikes? Boobs? Beers? All three? Fuck, I dunno. I'm not all that together, I fear. I just want to ride my bikes a little bit, and it's fucking ten million degrees here in Phoenix. Although, I must confess, at 6:15 this morning, it almost felt chilly. Almost. But, have no fear. By 1:00 this afternoon it was way the fuck up there and it hurt. Opening the door felt like I was getting a pizza out of the oven. Without that annoying wholesome goodness baked right in crap. Just the heat for me, thank you very much, I'm on a diet.
I think I might like cowgirls. Especially if they're sluts. I don't ever know what to do with all those fucked up galleries. Do I make new ones? Make the existing one's bigger? Fuck it. I guess I figure that one out some other day. Right now I'm just burning time until the Giro coverage comes on at nine. Then it's sofa time for fat ass. From: Northwave Wow. What else can I say about hot ass chicks like that. I'll say it again for effect: wow. From: Mr. Insensitive
God damn. What did you call that pic when you sent it to me, a bike mechanic's living room? That's fucking funny, man. I was going to tear the new issue of Bike magazine to pieces, but I left it at work. Like I'm going to fucking buy it. Right. Since it isn't here in front of me, I'll have to go from memory. Let's see... The point / counterpoint article this month has to do with single speeds. As in "are they necessary?" Are you fucking kidding me? It's a good thing they got the pro side of this thing to be presented by some dude named Wake from Surly bikes. It was really going nowhere. I fail to see what the disagreement could possibly be about. If you have a single speed and like riding it, fucking wonderful. If you don't want a single speed and thing the derailluer is the greatest thing on this earth since huge boobs, fucking wonderful. Is that clear enough? Ferrentino's The grimy handshake addresses with the pressing issue of the 'oh my god, your job is so easy' shit he has to deal with. Ring any bells? I'll tell you a little story. I work on bikes for my beer money and it ain't no cake walk. In fact, it chugs big cock mostly. I have a friend who basically taught himself the computer language c++. He parlayed that into three different jobs last year alone. His earnings potential went from 50 to 65 to 80 grand. No shit. Sound like easy street, huh? Not really. He put on a good sixty pounds of unsightly blubber and has a nice little skin condition that manifests itself as callused, cracked skin at his elbows and knees. Ignoring the obvious relationship between that and being on all fours in his bosses office, you'd think he had it made. My point in all of this? The grass is always greener, my friends. He can't believe I find the time to ride 10, 15 of 20 hours a week, and I can't believe he bring home 80 fucking grand a year. I think I might just do gay porn for that kind of money. Especially if it included getting to take the beef truck to Druville, if you get my drift. Oh hell, my computer just took a shit for what must have been the four thousandth time since I got this piece of shit. I should have bought an I-Mac. Fucking Gateway bullshit. Before I go, use this booty call agreement if the need ever arises. And sweet Jesus, I just about forgot to link some porn.
Whew, that was a close one.
When one is living in this burnt out hell of a valley, it can become a bit of a drag. As in, "Oh look, implants. How unusual." You want to remedy this predicament? Travel around a little as I have done this spring. What you find will make you want to tear your eyes from their sockets with a fucking fork. At least it did me. Here's a list of some places and their absolutely appalling locals. Austin, Texas: Horde of very regular looking women. Just plain, well, plain. Supposed to be the finest roses of Texas. Uh huh. Hit the college bars and hit 'em hard. Drink a lot too, the girls will look better, but oddly never all that good. Silverton, New Mexico: If you can't get laid in a town like this, you have what is known as a standard. Don't sell yourself short by testing the age old adages, "a woman with no teeth gives better head." I recommend sticking with porn. Moscow, Idaho: This town is "cute" and offers quite a bit of wide open road riding and miles and miles of logging road. And, I hear, a far share of single track as well. The girls? Beat down hard with the fat and ugly stick. No one escapes. I think the Idaho State campus boasts a total of 73 Sororities. Sounds good, but the hot Sorority chicks go to places like San Diego, and ASU. Also, there isn't a strip club within a hundred miles of this shithole. Bring your own porn. Spokane, Washington: Big town with tons of white trash. Meth labs and white on white violent crime are the norm. Fucking twisted and weird would be my description. I actually witnessed a ridiculously drunk couple enjoying sloppy, riverside sex here. It was not an attractive sight. I'd rather watch farm animals fuck. I'm not even going to start in on the whole mulette thing. Fucking white trash sucks. I have never seen as many fucking up, fat, skanky, Nascar lovin' shitheads in my life as I saw this last week. Idaho and Washington state have big, big problems. Two good bumper stickers: Remember My Name ~ You'll Be Screaming It Later. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. Been tagged by the great jugs yet? It's exciting for about two seconds. This, on the other hand, is exciting for three seconds. This is a whole bunch of big tits. And this? She's just hot. Response sent in more bike porn, and even some shit without a bike. Here at drunkcyclist.com, it's all good.
Fuck, that's about it. I'm going over to Ham Fist Forbes's and getting drunk as hell. Why even fuck around, the best thing I got going most days is the mail that shows up around this place. I'll tell ya, I'd have burned out long ago if it wasn't for all you mother fuckers telling me how much you like the site and all that crazy shit. From: Response Damn. That is really something. Hardcore. And Response even sent in this mp3. Listen to it here. Response not having a girlfriend anymore kinda ties into this next letter. Sorta. Not really. A little. Not really. From: Doug
Forgive me if I don't remember exactly who you are. I think I know, but I sure couldn't pick you out of a line up at this point. Thanks a ton for the pics. She's hot alright, but what's with the huge bush? Christ that thing needs trimmin'. I put up some new jokes if anyone gives a shit. Hey, they make me laugh. So fuck you. So, I'm sitting here looking at porn. Again. I just can't get enough of that shit. It never gets boring. I like surfing around on the web. I like finding new music, reading up on all the bullshit at the cycling websites. And I like looking at hot chicks with big boobs. Especially if they're involved in a sex act or two. That makes it even better. The results from last weekends freakin' rampage, the Granite Basin Bash are up here. Yeah, I got 24th place. Fuck you. Best placed DrunkCyclist.com racer? Nathan Lowire at tenth. As much as I want too, I can't really count the fourth place efforts of Corey "Hippie Girl" Fagerholm, because he wasn't wearing a wifebeater. Sure he drank all my beer, but his shirt said "adventure racing". Pussy. We'll see if he plays ball for the next race. It's good to see Jason Tallous won the Pro race, and Jake Rubelt got fourth. And my man, Ophir Sefiha took expert. Right on guys. Kip Moyer got 7th in the 30 - 39 expert race, my age group. Nice ride, all of you guys.
This girl is really hot. I think Spooner is hitting on her. You be the judge. I can't believe the size of this girls boobs. Fucking huge. Same story over here. I can't believe it. They sure look like fun to me.
Tomorrow I fly up to Spokane Washington, and then I'm driving to Moscow Idaho. Why, you ask? Because there's a pretty good chance that I'm going to be living there in the fall. I guess I should have a look around the place before I make the move. Anyone ever been, or live there now? How's the riding? I'm expecting to see a whole lot of freaking cows. We'll see. I should be packing right now. But I'm not. You know the routine. Anything is more fun then stuffing all my shit in some little carry-on bag. And that's what I'm bringing. A carry-on. Fuck checking bags through. If I can't put it on the plane myself, and know exactly where it is, it probably won't show up with me at all. That's what airlines do. They charge you an assload of money for a ticket, and then to show you that they don't give a shit about you at all, they loose your luggage. Hey, it happens. Half the shit I need to wear for the next four days is probably wrapped up in a ball in the bottom of my laundry basket. Where else would it be? Clean and put in the closet? Are you fucking kidding me? Not in this lifetime, buddy.
Since I really have no ideas of my own, ever. I'll just fall back on some good old American porn. I don't remember where these pics came from, so if you sent them to me, consider this a thank you. This chick is so freaking hot I can't even stand to look at her anymore.
That is a remarkable easy way to please the masses. It's much better than my stupid ass carrying on about God knows what. Like, today for example, one of my co-workers asked me if I liked any new bicycle technology. I had to think about that one. I told him, "No, pretty much everything sucks." And I meant it. I am so fucking sick of suspension forks and suspension bikes and ten speed gayness and what the fuck ever. Carbon fiber fucking blows. Fuck all of it. OK, it isn't all that bad. Integrated shift/brake levers are cool on road bikes. I like being able to shift on crappy pavement, or while cornering. That I like. Aside from that, rigid single speed mountain bikes are pretty fool proof and fun to ride.
From: Jim Jim, you fucking rule. When you came by me with Hippie Corey and about three other thugs during the race this weekend I wanted to break down and cry. Fuck. You guys blew me right off the back. It sucked. The events you throw are some of the best ever. Consider yourself linked, my man. And I got that porn thing covered nine ways to Tuesday.
From: Willy Click here to play the Find the Peach game. I can't find it. I can't even try very hard, really. I just get all distracted. This link got sent in awhile back, and I've just forgotten to link it. Sure, those are motorcycles and not bicycles. But look at the sluts, man, the fucking sluts!
I think the race played out something like this: Hippie Cory takes third, Nate gets 10th. Yardsale, Casey and Dru take 15th, 16th and 17th. And fat boy (me) rolls in 6 minutes later taking home the dunkin' fuckin' donuts prize for 24th. All of this is, of course, subject to change. About five times if the results of any other MBAA races are any indication. This link is defiantly worth your time.
From: Dave Herbold That's about all I have energy for. It's 10:40, Sunday night and all I want to do is crawl into bed. Fuck this.
Check out the new prison name generator that got sent to me today, yesterday, something. I modified it a little, because it was ugly. Now it's beautiful like everything here at the site. Ahhh.
From: Ward Bates Jonny, I can't even remember to wear a heart rate monitor when I train. Actually, I just sent the fucker in to get fixed. When I get it back maybe I'll see what 'ol Jenna Jameson does. I'm thinking I'll be at a maximum sustainable effort almost immediatley. Then, since this is all about me, I'll probably last three minutes at AT and drop down to something more manageable. Like my resting heart rate. Then I'll probably have to go find some paper towels.
From: BunchSprint Save the undeserved sweet talk for a good piece of ass. Like Randy.
And Un-Gay Randy is one sweet piece of ass. I should know. I had that fucker impaled on my dick like a human shish-ka-bob at Gila. Fucking had him screaming, "Christ was a jew!" and everything. Anyway, I hear ya.
From: Willy The picture Willy sent is so fucking huge (340k) that you're just gonna have to click here to see it. God Damn buddy, that is awesome. I think I spent about the last twenty minutes staring at that pic and studying all the curves. What is that, a couple of hundered breasts? Lets see, one, two, three, Fuck those things are huge! Um, four, five, sex, um, those are fucking beautiful... I don't think I can count that high. You want to know what kind I like? Let me put it like this. There isn't one inch of that thing you sent me that doesn't give me a fucking hard-on.
subject: updates Shit man, I was out of town for all of last week. Of course I aim to please. Here are ten dynamite porn links. Happy trails.
Mighty Dave also took home tonight's $100.00 prime put up by Dan Sanderson. I'll thank Dan now for that mocha 'ol Diamond is buying my ass tomorrow morning at Starbucks when I meet him at six in the God Damn morning for a 4 hour easy ride. Make that fucker a double, no whip and with soy milk. I'm on a diet for Christ's sake. This is my buddy Rob's jet ski site. Yeah, I know, big deal. But check the fucking helmet this guy wears. I kinda wish mine looked like that. Just a little bit. Another mountain bike race this weekend. I'm going to get my ass handed to me. Fuck it. I'm going to beat someone. You better believe that one. Even if it's my kid brother in the bathroom. It seems some guy is asking friends of mine to have me "say something nice about Scott Price." What the fuck is that shit about? I know Scott Price, and he knows me. He might not know that he does, but he does. And here's the fucking newsflash for you pinheads: I have no problem with Scott Price. That's right. In fact, I haven't said two words to that guy in that last five years. What is it you fucking pussies want me to say about him? That he's one of the fastest cyclist's in the state of Arizona? That's about all I know about him. If someone writes me a race report, I don't edit it's content, grammar or spelling. I never have and I never will. I put it up just how I get it. Raw. If someone says something unflattering about Scott Price, or anyone else for that matter, fuck it. It gets posted. And you know what? I find it hard to believe that Price gives a shit about my little pill party porn site. Why is it you morons can't find the contact buttons and write e-mails to me, instead of wasting the time of someone who has nothing to do with this site at all? Fuck, I have a message board. Use it. It's assholes like you guys that I think about everyday when I train, and try like hell to lose weight. I want to fucking crush you idiots. And, someday I will.
From: Tom Oh, that is so freakin great. Un-gay Randy. Totally boss. Here is today's porn link. Its a good one too. Lots of girls taking their clothes off and standing around with bicycles. Yee Haa. From: stikman Right on, man. Good to hear you like that porn/bike action I'm bringing to the world. It works for me. I have a little problem with boobs. I think their the greatest thing in the world. I love them. Fuck it, I have to sleep sometime tonight. I got about twenty odd nudie pics in the mail today, but I'm having a hell of a time uploading them. By the way, AOL sucks fucking dick. That's about it.
I should've put up this link last week before I even left, but believe me, I had plenty of shit to take care of as it was. Anyway, this is the link to the "official" website for the Tour of the Gila. Yes, that is the race I was at last week. And, no. I was not a participant. I was a lowly worker bee. It's a pretty nice webpage by the way. Now that I get to wear the crown of webmaster now and again I can say things like that. They had results and photo's up around nine at night for every stage. That is not east to do. Very impressive work. Bart Bowen, Hanseatic/Ochsner, 17th overall, 10:50 down. Not bad. @ 37:29, Jones, Gareth for 60th. And @ 42:02, Pardyjak, Eric for 66th. Again, not bad. 140 guys started this thing and 82 finished. Almost half the field didn't make it. Hard friggin race. My man Jason "Big Tex" Tallous gets 32nd place in what he describes as "training for Big Bear." He was 19:32 down and rides for Giant/Domenics. I look forward to your race report, Jason. As always, don't pull any punches. Everyone's favorite ham fisted turn a huge fucking gear all day tan god Brian Forbes rode like a tank all week and finished 54th. 14:25 down and he rides for Jelly Belly. I don't feel so bad about getting totally blown off his wheel two weeks ago when he rides like that in a race that tough. A great ride by Brain. In the Cat 2's, Jake "the Snake" Rubelt brings home a well deserved 8th place for Giant/Domenics. At 8:44 down. What a great ride. Especially when one considers that, like Tallous, this is only "training for Big Bear." I'll betcha there aren't too many guys who finished in front of 'ol Snake and Big Tex who are riding mountain bikes as nationally ranked semi-pros this year. Big Bear should treat these two well. I'm really running short on time this morning, but I want to make mention of two fellas in Cat 3 who ride for Giant/Domenics. Bill Wheeler takes 14th place at a scant 3:49 down. And Greg Kilroy finishes at 51st. Good ride guys, I know it wasn't easy. I'll get to the reader mail and new porn links tonight. I can already hear the whistle blowing down at the salt mine.
I read this on the shitter today in some British cycling weekly, and thought it was damn good enough to share. "Roadmen knotted spare tubulars round their shoulders, swigged drinks from dented aluminium bottles and competed over distances that would have today's stars seeking the comfort of their team cars. Short and stocky, with the bulging thighs of a track sprinter, Bedwell was never too concerned about his appearance. Long hair and black socks were the norm and a clean bike was a sign of weakness..." Is that fucking bitchen, or what? I got that from an article about Dave Bedwell, a man I never heard of but would have loved to meet. Fucking right on. My time at the Tour of the Gila was good. I glued on tubulars and handed up bottles with the best of them. I slept on the floor and put on bar tape. It was great. It came to a short end for me and the Randini. By day three the time cuts and hills were becoming too much for many a racer, including those on Hanseatic/Ochner. At the end of Fridays fun little loop around and over the Gila wilderness, we suddenly had more support personnel than riders in the race. So, Randy and I pointed the car west and rode back into Arizona like two not-so all conquering heroes of Rome. It seems Randy is sick and tired of being called "big gay randy". He wants a better nickname. I think he believes the "big gay" thing is driving potential dates away. I'm pretty sure that has absolutely nothing to do with it, but I'll humor the poor bastard. From now on Randy Mason is to be known as, or by, one of the following "I'm a pussy and don't like my nickname" new and improved aliases: 1) Incredibly Masculine Randy - Speaks for itself really. Like a Viking God, he is. 2) Big Dick Randy - Another crowd favorite for sure. But, it still leaves the door open on the whole gay thing. Does he have a big dick, or does he crave big dick. Could pose problems. 3) Irresistible Bottle of Pure Unadulterated Machismo Randy - As good as that may sound, there is no way in hell I'm going to get into the habit of typing that on a regular basis. Sorry. 4) Never Been Ass-Banged Randy - Maybe the funniest of the bunch, but I don't think he's gonna like this one so much. 5) All Man Randy - I like this one, simple, concise and to the point. However, if used commonly All-MANdy is a much better alternative. 6) Irresistible Lady Killer Randy - Tell it like it is, buddy. Or, tell it like you'd like it to be. Whatever.
From: Tom
God damn. I think I like it. Talk about woman's specific saddles. It would be nice to have something like that around the bike shop. I don't think it would be all that appropriate for all the girls that come in looking for a new seat. Just like every girl out there shouldn't be a stripper. You wouldn't need to move all that many units to make stocking such an item worthwhile. Maybe like one or two a year. Can you imagine if you brought that thing out for some totally hot chick and her response was, "Hey, it looks like just the thing I've been looking for. Do you think you could help me fit it?"
From: Fox I'm glad you liked the stickers that much. And, man, she sure is trashy. In a hot, trailer park kinda way though. It works for me. From: Scott Forbes Thanks for forwarding that to me, Scott. I always love a straight from the trenches race report like that. Gritty.
Within a few hours Ron's ass was like a basketball, a purple and black basketball. And it stayed like that for days. And then Ron being Ron, he started showing it to everyone he met. Waitstaff at restaurants, people in line buying a newspaper, folks at the bar. I guess if you have something like that, you might as well be sharing it with the world. Sort of like what I'm doing now.