Dirty shot me a message yesterday about Yamaha’s new E-Mountain Bike.
sigh… i’m not going to give you the link but you can find it if you look.
this is not going to be an ebike bashing session because i already said my peace on that. interestingly enough, as i was walking through town last night i saw some knucklehead “powering” up a set of stairs on his Trek E-MTB while his “friends” on non motorcycle bicycles followed pushing their bikes. i could see the false sense of accomplishment smeared across his face, almost like the middle aged losers that don their leather and boots so they can be bikers on sunday only to go back to khakis and pink polo’s on monday. sorry not sorry about your little dick dude, and your buddies wife does not think you are hot. …just sayin’.
what this is is a warning, a premonition, getting my Rasputin hat on. hey Trek, Specialized, Giant, and anyone else trying to support all those little dick mountain bikers that wanna be something they never will be, better watch out…
you see, Yamaha is a company whose revenue is over $400 billion a year. Trek, about $1 billion. Specialized, well… $500 million. think about that for a sec. Yamaha could price this thing so low, could even sell this thing for a loss, and over take the market simply from price alone. and you wanna know how to sell an ebike (also known as a tiny little moped-motorcycle), park it on your showroom next to this:
you know, because electric assist mountain bikes are motorcycles and should be sold in motorcycle shops.
another thought to ponder… when is Yamaha gunna throw a pile of cash at someone like Aaron Gwin? you think Red Bull won’t want in? how about some other big ass conglomo looking to cash in on yet another product designed to make men think it makes women find them more attractive.
this shit is just getting ridiculous.
so how about we just listen to Slayer…
what the fuck is going on with the comments here?
Looks like it got taken over by spam-bot-advertisers-Guccifer 2.0
And yes this is a human typing this. Not trying to get your wallet here neither….