Southbound and Down.

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As some just have, and many are currently discovering, long rides are the substantive fix this summer.  The following embed inspires, if only for a minute.   Day dream city, there.  If your time in front of the computer is as abundant as the veins of our nation, please click here.   Thank you , Mike & Amanda, for such a grand chronicle of bicycle-related time reappropriation.

equally inspiring, in a way that plucks the strings of my primal banjo, is the next clip.  Should you find yourself implement lean, please have a gander, and don’t say we didn’t ever try to help a fellow.

Additionally, it has been reported by a credible source  that the only activity during which we report that our minds are not constantly wandering is “love making.”

On behalf of, and in the temporary place of, our resident bedouin (or should i say, “badouin”):  Happy Tuesday, and don’t stop dreaming.  Unless, of course, you’re “love making.”


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About Snake Hawk

good, bad, funny, sad, stupid, rad, has, had. non-joining funhaver from coast to coast(er brake). buster of the chops, drawer of the logos. North Carolina, USA

3 Replies to “Southbound and Down.”

  1. Yea. I am thinking along this theme. maybe it’ll remain a dream, but I’d like to suffer long slow time like that. Godam.