Evans gives it some stick

Today was pretty interesting. Evan’s showed that he really is the man to watch this year. Contrador showed he’s not one to just sit there and take it. The Schlecky twins, well, they showed that a great team and gobs of help can’t make up for a lack of form. Andy S. just ain’t got it at the moment. Frank S. is dangerous and needs to just go for it, Andy’s placing be damned. Those two are joined at the hip, and it ends up helping neither of them. They would be well served by riding a couple of hundred yards apart from one another for the first time in years. And, Voeckler. Tommy Voeckler. He showed he will fight till the bitter end. That end will come, of that much I am quite sure. But, he will not lay down. He will stand upon on the field of battle, and he will fight. If that doesn’t get you fired up, I don’t know what will.

Evans. Full gas. The man just need to believe he can do it.

Cadel Evans Stage-16 Tour de France 2011

Image source: http://www.daylife.com/photo/0fpU6V127D87E?q=Cadel+Evans.

That and more at velonews.com: http://velonews.competitor.com/2011/07/news/hushovd-wins-stage-16-of-the-2011-tour-de-france-as-evans-and-contador-open-gap-on-the-schlecks_184827.

And, of course, that huge World Champion guy. The dude showing off the rainbow stripes at every opportunity.

Thor is a baller. Son brings FIRE.

Thor Hushovd Stage-16 Tour de France 2011

Image source: http://www.daylife.com/photo/0emWfNWg1PfPg?q=Thor+Hushovd.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

16 Replies to “Evans gives it some stick”

  1. My wife likes Cadel. I’d like him too (he was, after all, a mountain biker first), but he’s such a whiney little bitch.

  2. sfb, I don’t know if you’ve seen any of Cadel’s interviews this TdF but he’s a lot more relaxed and not nearly as unlikable as in the past, a bit like how his riding style since he won Worlds is no longer just about sucking wheels.

    Andy Schleck sure was a whiny bitch after today’s stage though! Neglecting to mention he lost 20 seconds on the climb, he blamed it on the descent and, by extension, the organizers.

    from cyclingnews:
    “I’m really disappointed. Is this what people really want to see [a race decided on a descent]?” he asked.

    “I think the parcours was badly chosen today. We don’t want to see riders crashing, riders taking risks. Everyone has got a family at home. A finish like this should not be allowed.

    “I didn’t feel super when he attacked and I did a bad downhill. Someone in front of me slid out on the first corner and so I had to clip out of the pedal. There was a gap of 150 metres and I couldn’t close it to the bottom.”

  3. I really hope tommy can hold on to a podium spot. It now looks like Cadel’s to lose….

  4. also Cavendish finished alone just behind Andy’s group, pretty sure that the gap between them was smaller than between Andy and Contador. LOL.

    if Samu can take more time back on the Schlecks on the descents tomorrow, they could be out of the podium picture by the ITT (and they can’t race against the clock for shit). He and Contador are friends and will work together: Contador gifted stages to Euskatel at the Giro and he’s going to call in his favors in the Alps. I predict Evans, Contador and Samu on the podium in Paris, not sure who will win yet though. oh, it’s going to be exciting!

  5. I thought this stage was going to be a real yawner but that was some damn entertaining racing out there this morning. That decent is nasty, Beloki’s Corner gives me the willies. Voeckler’s a f’n scrapper – hope he can hold on. If not, then I’ll be rooting for Cadel.

  6. @BackRoadBandit, “The rainbow jersey aint all he’s showing off in that photo.”

    That is the funniest thing I’ve heard yet today.

  7. I liked when Cancellara had to chase down Contador’s first jump. Closed the gap and promptly puked in his own mouth. Pulled off and looked across at the Schlecky of Brotherly Love as if to say “this is your f***ing race guys, get after it.”

    And they did not. I bet Fabian isn’t even speaking to them tonight, like when a batter strikes out and trudges back to the dugout.

  8. @gourdhead that is heavy sh*t. Hushovd’s mama sang that to him as a lullabye.

  9. Cock play. All I saw today was cock play. Tomorrow I hope full penetration happens in wetness. The steeper the pitch, the larger the split. Contador will be on it.

  10. I wish Stuart O’Grady would tighten Andy’s helmet straps for him…talk about a bad descender looking like an alien.

  11. @BackRoadBandit: “The rainbow jersey aint all he’s showing off in that photo.”

    And this is why pretty much NO ONE should race in white shorts.

  12. The end of this race was magic, two teammates systematicly smashing an opponent into the pavement. Cheers to you harmon cervelo.

  13. sfb Says:

    July 19th, 2011 at 1:24 pm
    My wife likes Cadel. I’d like him too (he was, after all, a mountain biker first), but he’s such a whiney little bitch.

    Even as an Aussie I have to agree, he is whiney. But at least he is an Aussie! Go Cadel!