One (not this) Day.

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it makes me play in my head more when i capture images of joyful bike flicking in my skrape.

the vibe, the skilled making, and the riding are nacho alta.

(update) :

while you’re at it, watch this next fit.  what are these damned trails?  if any  hyperfuckt educational science project physics dickwadz know anything about their physics, these trails should send them scrambling for a cardboard sign.

“the kids win.

will dig for beer.”

mutiny bikes is fully weaponized.  their vids are the shit that is eaten to make dreams take shits.  and the dudes whipping 20’s around these days are wielding torches that i couldn’t even light back in the day.  shit, if i even tried to fart on one of those torches– you know, just to be funny–it would kill every member of my nation.

really, it’s nothing.  i just thought i’d share.

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About Snake Hawk

good, bad, funny, sad, stupid, rad, has, had. non-joining funhaver from coast to coast(er brake). buster of the chops, drawer of the logos. North Carolina, USA

15 Replies to “One (not this) Day.”

  1. …dug the beginning ‘high buildings looking down’ shots…

    …in a world of hard edged, square shit architecture, these young cats carve awesome flows into life n’ landscape…


  2. that’s some black rebel motorcycle club for your side holes. that place is the villij, and it is looking ruhdikuhlis. i think i even saw flip over tarps affixed to the backs of lip&landers for maximo preservation. dude. i want to smear a football player’s face in that shit and say “what you do is worthless.” the problem is that i’m really puny and getting less & less aggro with each passing moon.

  3. austin tx baby, i ride with Gaz (mr mutiny) some thursdays. they are riding trails thru the winter. i’m still out on the road. but once daylight saving hits again we all meet for a road ride most thursdays. blast
    its nice here.

  4. it’s all damage. constant damage. bar grips, spray tips, chrome clips on my pink wrists. i must hate something about normal living so much. thanks dc therapy place. i had to get that off my chess.

  5. Animal has been using Pace’s music in videos for years. And they also have been doing some collaboratiobs with Wu-Tang in the past year or 2.