New rig almost done. Taking my time on ‘er. Had to machine an extra long nut to mount the front brake in a Kestrel fork, and made attempt at stamping an allen head. Had to grind it down to 8mm two sided. After grinding of STI stops round to flat, will be complete.

Um, maybe you want the experience machining or I’m misunderstanding what brake you’re putting on there, but you can buy extra long nuts for the Kestrel and other carbon forks…
When I think of ‘available’ I’m limited to the not-different-enough bike shop in the next town over, but in Mt. Vernon, I’m the bike shop.
No shit, after spending 2 hours making the nut, I found a nice titanium one in my parts box. So it goes, but at this hour, the bike is done. Front derailleur cable was installed 10 minutes ago. Pictures soon.
you need a bigger pipe cutter. that one is just too small.