So i made some more crap. One of the craps is even bike-related. Whoa, dewds. Maybe you wanna check it out.
This guy did the after party, which was rad, because I have a total mancrush on him, and he KILLS the turntables. You may not care about that kind of crap, but Big Jonny does, and I do, so uppit, dewds.
And in related news, I think it’s not UNlikely that Ol’ Dirty Bastard is my dad. He made like 20 different babies with lots of different baby mamas, and that makes chances better.
From what I remember of you, Snake Hawk, I don’t think ODB is your daddy. But that Jabba the Hut look’n dude to the left might have a chance.
I keep shit stains in my drawers sos I can get fizza funky for ya!