About Snake Hawk

good, bad, funny, sad, stupid, rad, has, had. non-joining funhaver from coast to coast(er brake). buster of the chops, drawer of the logos. North Carolina, USA

8 Replies to “Haikuesday”

  1. …could be w/ his last beer he mighta wolfed down a few handfuls of those non fat-absorbing potato chips & now he’s dealing w/ “seepage”…you know, seepage, ummm, drip, ah jeez, i’ll leave it at that…

    …sorry, big jonny, just tryin’ ta give ya a sick laugh ta make ya feel mo better…

    …& i couldn’t do haiku form cuz i’m not japanese like all yer friends…

  2. …i apologize snakehawk but it hadda be done…yer response along w/ john’s last haiku had me rolling on the frickin’ floor…

    …came home from a good ride, got cleaned up & fed, read those posts & just kept laughing out loud (no ‘lol’ abbreviations for stuff that funny)…snake gets my personal pulitzer double props for that line…

    …so if big jonny didn’t have a “get mo better laugh” w/ all that stuff, then that fucker just might be dead…jeez, i frickin’ hope not…