After uncorking the time trial of his life on Saturday to retain the yellow jersey going into the first of three tough stages in the Pyrenees, Rabobank’s Michael Rasmussen was once again asked about allegations that in 2002 he had attempted to trick a friend into delivering him a package of hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier made from the red cells of cow’s blood. In response, the leader of the 2007 Tour de France lowered his horns, pawed the podium and uttered a low, menacing “Moooooooo.”
Riismoosen, fuck yeah!
I think a huge controversy is brewing.
Is Rgrrrmoosen more cow-like, or dog-like.
Should you moo to show your support for his superb time trialing, and bark to rally him on while climbing? Or, should you bark while he is doing an ITT, and moo while he is climbing. Or, is the dog part completely out, and just go with the mooing overall?
Life is complicated enough, and I would like to see this issue settled.
I say moo-ing is apt. Seeing as his name is Ras-MOO-sen and all.
I will be moo-ing at the TV all week.
In my underpants.
With a beer.
Rasmoosen was really mooving today!
I dunno man….The dude coming out with the allogations is pretty fucking fond of the sound of his own voice from the VeloNews interview…If nothing else a dipshit/hero worshipper. Taking a shoebox of Italian shoes to Italy…and wasn’t he riding for CSC at the time?? I don’ think Riis needed to get his grip from North America!
If that isn’t the perfect response to doping allegations… moo, indeed. Thanks for the laugh.
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I like my meat bloody as hell
On that note put a fork in Levi he is done
The shoebox allegations are just a distraction CO, how about the three missed drug tests netting an automatic non-negative and the boot from the national team, which no one seems to care to ask Chicken about?
He’s a chicken, he’s a cow, what next? I like to call him “the Spider.”
‘Cause he’s skinny.
He smells of the (cow)shit he’s full of………..